Thursday, February 28, 2013

Snuggle Time with Mom

Our Best Friends

Mom just found this picture of Tommy holding Teddy's hand when he was brand new.  Look how fluffy his snout is, and how plush his arms are!

And here's what Lamby looked like when she was brand new.  So white and fluffy!
Time has not been kind to them.  Tommy likes to fall asleep sucking on Teddy's arms, which is why they no longer look like arms, but more like flippers.  Toward the bottom of Teddy's right arm, where all the fur is gone, there's now a hole Tommy likes to put 2 fingers through.  It makes it look like he and Teddy are holding hands.  

Lamby has fared better in her 4 + years, but is definitely more gray than white, and has lost most her fluff.  But at least you can tell they are well-loved.  

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Playdate With Mommy

Mommy and I had a date last weekend at the planetarium!  It's only for big kids like me, and I'm very into space these days, so I was really excited about it (so was Mommy)!

We had a fun time, and Mommy liked hearing me yell out the names of the planets with the 6th graders who were there.  She was extra impressed when I correctly yelled "Nebula!" at one picture. 
 Afterwards we decided to include the boys in our ice cream date.  Tommy and Daddy shared...

And even though Tommy likes ice cream, he always makes a sour face when he takes a bite.

He may not like the cold part, but I'm pretty sure he likes the taste.

I like the whole thing.  

Afterwards, Tommy had a major sugar rush and Mom tried to corral him as he ran around the ice cream shop like a crazy person.  

Afterward we burned off some more energy at the park, and since I'm the best big sister ever, I pushed Tommy on the swing.  A successful Saturday!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine's Day

I had a great time at my Valentine's Day party at school.  This is the HUGE envelope that my friends put my valentines in.  Check out all that fun stuff!  (And yes, that is my baptism dress that I insisted on wearing to school today.)

Then the day got even better when we got to go meet Isabella at the park for a playdate!

Tommy wants YOU as his valentine!

Even Chewy got some love.

Mom gave us all about 50 underdog pushes on the swings, and Helen pushed us and made silly noises, which made us giggle even harder.

A perfect valentine's day with family and friends!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tommy's 2 Year Portraits: Mom Couldn't Choose Just One

Grandma and the Reptile Zoo

Grandma came to play with us last weekend!  

We took her to one of our favorite places:  The Reptile Zoo!

I'd missed Charlie the gecko...
Tommy missed screaming "Crocodile!", and Daddy missed doling out some reptilian love.  

Grandma didn't want to hold the snake, but I did!

And I got to feed the tortoises with this big grabbing stick!


Monday, February 11, 2013


We got baptized up at Uncle Stuart's church in Arcadia this weekend along with our cousin Kyle.  I was very excited to pick out my own fancy dress, and Tommy was excited to wear a tie like Daddy.

Aren't we fancy?  

And so sweet?

Don't worry, we're still crazy.

Especially Tommy.  Dad says there's a reason people usually baptize their babies early: because 2-year-olds don't exactly cooperate or stay quiet in a long church service.  Tommy was especially squirmy, and in a mood to explore and wreck shop.  Mom tried to keep him busy and corral him, but whenever she picked him up he'd yell, "Put down! Put down!"  She was worried he'd knock over the baptismal faunt or the candles and the whole place would go up in flames.  Instead, he squirmed and squealed until it was his turn, then put both hands in the holy water and laughed maniacally when the reverend poured it over his head.  Grandma joked that the exorcism of Tommy's squirmy demons will be our next church event.
L to R: Our godparents Ben and Misty Smith (other godparents Christa and Scott Haskins are in Minnesota and couldn't attend), me, Nana, Kyle, Uncle Stuart, Daddy, Mommy, mad squirmy Tommy, and Grandma.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Avery's Birthday Party

Avery had her Minnie Mouse birthday party on Sunday.  Happy 2nd birthday, Avery!

She had fun decorations to pose in front of...

And even a pull-string piñata.

 Then it was time to pose for some group pictures.  The first one is the only picture we could get of Tommy with the group.  That kid's on the move!
Here's a nice one of everyone, and then a silly one.

Next Avery opened her presents.  One from us was a huge hit: a big roll of bubble wrap!

 Then Kara and Avery's Grandpa gave us a pony ride (he's a brave and strong man) before we had to head home.  Thanks for the fun, Dombeks!